Coffee + Cardiology
Start every other Monday morning (or whenever you listen) with some coffee and cardiology. Dr. Jim Kirkpatrick and John Michael host the University of Washington Medicine Heart Institute faculty for discussions around their passions in the clinic and outside of it. If you would like to contact any guests or for follow-up information please contact uwheart@uw.edu.
Coffee + Cardiology
Buber's Bravery
UW Medicine Heart Institute / Dr. Yonathan Buber
Season 1
Episode 21
Yonatan Buber, MD earned his M.D. from Ben Gurion University in Israel. Dr. Buber specializes in all forms of congenital heart disease, pregnancy in women with heart disease, pulmonary hypertension and exercise physiology.
0:40 - Dr. Buber's Journey from Israel
3:05 - A week that inspired an Adult Congenital Heart Disease career
5:00 - Differences in ACHD Care Israel vs. US
7:40 - Recruiting persistence of Drs. Krieger and Stout
10:05 - Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing, Cardio-Obstetrics, Aortopathy Clinic
14:30 - Cardio-Obstetrics
22:15 - Global Health Collaborations
26:30 - Regional ACHD Care
30:20 - Defusing Bombs in Israel
36:30 - Advice for future cardiologists
Email: bubery@uw.edu